Tag: articles

Thought you all might get a kick out if these articles on my grandfather, WWII veteran and survivor of the Bataan Death March.

Thought you all might get a kick out if these articles on my grandfather, WWII veteran and survivor of the Bataan Death March.

During hard times I just think about what all my grandfather went through, then tell myself to stop being weak and move forward. https://pilotonline.com/news/local/article_564865f6-9148-5da1-910d-1f216728a1f4.html https://www.thepilot.com/news/hardship-cruelty-didn-t-blacken-john-mims-heart/article_02d8ab40-b56e-11e6-931e-87ffe1798689.html submitted by /u/Dalloooooooooo ...